Reframe and Refocus
Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy
Reframe and Refocus
Cognitive Behavioual Hypnotherapy
In order to deliver the services requested, I do keep records of our consultations.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):
Your personal details will not be shared with anyone at anytime
Data will be as minimal as possible, kept up to date and stored (and destroyed) securely
As I have a duty of care to both clients and the community, there are legal parameters to client confidentiality.
These apply to issues of self-harm, harm to others and the protection of minors. Should an issue arise, we'll discuss our obligatins in detail.
Unless leagal restrictions apply, you have the right to:
Request a copy of your personal data
Request your personal data is destroyed (which I will do as a matter of prcedure after our work is completed)
Withdraw your consent at any time
Lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office
With your permission, I would like from time to time to discuss annonymous facts of some cases with my supervisor for my professional development.
No issue is too small or trivial, and no client will be judged or evaluated on their race, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion or ability. My focus is always on providing the right approach; to furnish you with the most suitable tools in order that you can implement and sustain the development you're seeking.
CBHT is a collaborative process. Your motivation and participation in this work plays a crucial role in positive outcomes.